Union, Intersect そして Except

セルの 和集合を作成する Application.Union と
積集合を作成する Application.Intersect っていうメソッドがあるのに、

Google で探しても見つからなかったので、


  A - B = A ∩ ¬ B

というように、引くほうのセル範囲を反転させてから Intersect しています。


ついでに、Application.Union と Application.Intersect で
Find とか SpecialCells とかの結果をほいほい突っ込めるように
Nothing を渡しても大丈夫な関数も作りました。

関数名考える気力が無かったので Union2 とかアホな名前になっています。

' 和集合
' Union2(ParamArray ArgList() As Variant) As Range
' 積集合
' Intersect2(ParamArray ArgList() As Variant) As Range
' 差集合
' Except2(ByRef SourceRange As Variant, ParamArray ArgList() As Variant) As Range
' セル範囲の反転
' Invert2(ByRef SourceRange As Variant) As Range
'# 複数のセル ArgList の和集合を返す
'# Application.Union の拡張版 Nothing でもOK
Public Function Union2(ParamArray ArgList() As Variant) As Range

    Dim buf As Range
    Dim i As Long
    For i = 0 To UBound(ArgList)
        If TypeName(ArgList(i)) = "Range" Then
            If buf Is Nothing Then
                Set buf = ArgList(i)
                Set buf = Application.Union(buf, ArgList(i))
            End If
        End If
    Set Union2 = buf

End Function

'# 複数のセル ArgList の積集合を返す
'# Application.Intersect の拡張版 Nothing でもOK
Public Function Intersect2(ParamArray ArgList() As Variant) As Range

    Dim buf As Range
    Dim i As Long
    For i = 0 To UBound(ArgList)
        If Not TypeName(ArgList(i)) = "Range" Then
            Exit Function
        ElseIf buf Is Nothing Then
            Set buf = ArgList(i)
            Set buf = Application.Intersect(buf, ArgList(i))
        End If
        If buf Is Nothing Then Exit Function
    Set Intersect2 = buf

End Function

'# SourceRange から ArgList を差し引いた差集合を返す
'# (SourceRange と 反転した ArgList との積集合を返す)
Public Function Except2 _
    (ByRef SourceRange As Variant, ParamArray ArgList() As Variant) As Range

    If TypeName(SourceRange) = "Range" Then
        Dim buf As Range
        Set buf = SourceRange
        Dim i As Long
        For i = 0 To UBound(ArgList)
            If TypeName(ArgList(i)) = "Range" Then
                Set buf = Intersect2(buf, Invert2(ArgList(i)))
            End If
        Set Except2 = buf
    End If

End Function

'# SourceRange の選択範囲を反転する
Public Function Invert2(ByRef SourceRange As Variant) As Range

    If Not TypeName(SourceRange) = "Range" Then Exit Function
    Dim sh As Worksheet
    Set sh = SourceRange.Parent
    Dim buf As Range
    Set buf = SourceRange.Parent.Cells
    Dim a As Range
    For Each a In SourceRange.Areas
        Dim AreaTop    As Long
        Dim AreaBottom As Long
        Dim AreaLeft   As Long
        Dim AreaRight  As Long
        AreaTop    = a.Row                         
        AreaBottom = AreaTop  + a.Rows.Count    - 1
        AreaLeft   = a.Column                      
        AreaRight  = AreaLeft + a.Columns.Count - 1
        '■□□  ■の部分   
        Dim RangeLeft   As Range
        Set RangeLeft   = GetRangeWithPosition(sh, _
            sh.Cells.Row, sh.Cells.Column, sh.Rows.Count, AreaLeft - 1 )
        '   Top           Left             Bottom         Right
        '□□■  ■の部分   
        Dim RangeRight  As Range
        Set RangeRight  = GetRangeWithPosition(sh, _
            sh.Cells.Row, AreaRight + 1, sh.Rows.Count, sh.Columns.Count )
        '   Top           Left           Bottom         Right
        '□□□  ■の部分   
        Dim RangeTop    As Range
        Set RangeTop    = GetRangeWithPosition(sh, _
            sh.Cells.Row, AreaLeft, AreaTop - 1, AreaRight )
        '   Top           Left      Bottom       Right
        '□■□  ■の部分   
        Dim RangeBottom As Range
        Set RangeBottom = GetRangeWithPosition(sh, _
            AreaBottom + 1,  AreaLeft, sh.Rows.Count, AreaRight )
        '   Top              Left      Bottom         Right
        Set buf = Intersect2(buf, _
            Union2(RangeLeft, RangeRight, RangeTop, RangeBottom))
    Set Invert2 = buf

End Function

'# 四隅を指定して Range を得る
Private Function GetRangeWithPosition(ByRef sh As Worksheet, _
    ByVal Top    As Long, ByVal Left  As Long, _
    ByVal Bottom As Long, ByVal Right As Long) As Range
    '# 無効条件
    If Top > Bottom Or Left > Right Then
        Exit Function
    ElseIf Top < 0 Or Left < 0 Then
        Exit Function
    ElseIf Bottom > Cells.Rows.Count Or Right > Cells.Columns.Count Then
        Exit Function
    End If
    Set GetRangeWithPosition _
        = sh.Range(sh.Cells(Top, Left), sh.Cells(Bottom, Right))

End Function