
ExcelVBA で 特定の種類のセルを参照する
Range.SpecialCells というメソッドがあるんですが、





Set 参照セル = ESpecialCells(参照対象のセル, 参照するセルの種類, 参照するセルの値)

という書式で使います。該当セルがなければ Nothing が戻り値になります。


"c + f" … 定数(xlCellTypeConstants)か数式(xlCellTypeFormulas)
"v * c" … 可視セル(xlCellTypeVisible)かつ定数(xlCellTypeConstants)
"cm * (v + f)" … 定数か数式のセルで、コメント(xlCellTypeComments)のあるセル


「+」和集合(union)   "a + b" は a か b のどちらかに含まれるセル
「*」積集合(Intersect) "a * b" は a と b の両方に含まれるセル

オペランドは c とか f とかで指定して下記の通り定義しています。

af = 表示形式が設定されているセル(xlCellTypeAllFormatConditions)
av = 条件の設定が含まれているセル(xlCellTypeAllValidation)
b  = 空のセル (xlCellTypeBlanks)
cm = コメントが含まれているセル(xlCellTypeComments)
c  = 定数が含まれているセル(xlCellTypeConstants)
f  = 数式が含まれているセル(xlCellTypeFormulas)
l  = 使われたセル範囲内の最後のセル(xlCellTypeLastCell)
sf = 同じ表示形式が設定されているセル(xlCellTypeSameFormatConditions)
sv = 同じ条件の設定が含まれているセル(xlCellTypeSameValidation)
v  = すべての可視セル(xlCellTypeVisible)


Option Explicit

'使い方 例:選択中セルの定数か数式の可視セルを選択しなおす
Public Sub usage()

    Dim r As Range
    Set r = ESpecialCells(Selection, "v*(c+f)")
    If r Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox "nothing"
    End If
    Set r = Nothing

End Sub

Public Function ESpecialCells _
    (ByRef SourceRange As Range, ByVal CellTypesExpr As String, _
     Optional ByVal Value As XlSpecialCellsValue = _
                 xlTextValues + xlNumbers + xlLogical + xlErrors) As Range
    ReDim StackRange(0) As Variant
    Dim postfix As Variant
    postfix = infix2postfix(splitFormula(CellTypesExpr))
    Dim i As Long
    For i = 0 To UBound(postfix)
        Dim e As Variant: e = postfix(i)
        If IsNumeric(e) Then
            Call stackPush(StackRange, mySpecialCells(SourceRange, e, Value))
        ElseIf e = "*" Then
            Call stackPush(StackRange, _
                    myIntersect(stackPop(StackRange), stackPop(StackRange)))
        ElseIf e = "+" Then
            Call stackPush(StackRange, _
                        myUnion(stackPop(StackRange), stackPop(StackRange)))
        End If
    If Not stackEmpty(StackRange) Then
        If TypeName(stackPeek(StackRange)) = TypeName(Cells) Then
            Set ESpecialCells = stackPop(StackRange)
        End If
    End If

End Function

Private Function mySpecialCells _
    (ByVal SourceRange As Range, ByVal CellType As XlCellType, _
                                ByVal Value As XlSpecialCellsValue) As Range
    Dim ReturnRange As Range
    Dim SavedRange As Range
    If SourceRange.Count = 1 Then
        Dim DummyCellsRowIndex As Long
        If SourceRange.Row = Cells.Rows.Count Then
            DummyCellsRowIndex = Cells.Rows.Count - 1
            DummyCellsRowIndex = SourceRange.Row + 1
        End If
        Set SavedRange = SourceRange
        Set SourceRange = Application.Union _
                    (SourceRange, SourceRange.Cells(DummyCellsRowIndex, 1))
    End If
    On Error Resume Next
        Set ReturnRange = SourceRange.SpecialCells(CellType, Value)
    On Error GoTo 0
    If Not (ReturnRange Is Nothing Or SavedRange Is Nothing) Then
        Set ReturnRange = Application.Intersect(ReturnRange, SavedRange)
    End If
    Set SavedRange = Nothing
    Set mySpecialCells = ReturnRange

End Function

Private Function myIntersect(ByRef r1 As Range, ByRef r2 As Range) As Range

    If r1 Is Nothing Or r2 Is Nothing Then
        Set myIntersect = Nothing
        Set myIntersect = Application.Intersect(r1, r2)
    End If

End Function

Private Function myUnion(ByRef r1 As Range, ByRef r2 As Range) As Range

    If r1 Is Nothing And r2 Is Nothing Then
        Set myUnion = Nothing
    ElseIf r1 Is Nothing Then
        Set myUnion = r2
    ElseIf r2 Is Nothing Then
        Set myUnion = r1
        Set myUnion = Application.Union(r1, r2)
    End If

End Function

'## 数式を各要素に分割した配列で返す
Public Function splitFormula(ByVal Expression As String) As Variant

    Dim buf As String, Literal As String
    Dim i As Long
    For i = 1 To Len(Expression) + 1
        Dim c As String * 1: c = Mid(Expression, i, 1)
        If InStr(1, "+*() ", c) > 0 Then
            If Not Literal = "" Then buf = buf & " " & CxlCellType(Literal)
            If Not c = " " Then buf = buf & " " & c
            Literal = ""
            Literal = Literal & c
        End If
    splitFormula = Split(Trim(buf), " ")

End Function

Private Function CxlCellType(ByVal s As String) As XlCellType

    Select Case LCase(Trim(s))
        ' 表示形式が設定されているセル(-4172)
        Case "af": CxlCellType = xlCellTypeAllFormatConditions
        ' 条件の設定が含まれているセル(-4174)
        Case "av": CxlCellType = xlCellTypeAllValidation
        ' 空のセル ( 4)
        Case "b":  CxlCellType = xlCellTypeBlanks
        ' コメントが含まれているセル(-4144)
        Case "cm": CxlCellType = xlCellTypeComments
        ' 定数が含まれているセル( 2)
        Case "c":  CxlCellType = xlCellTypeConstants
        ' 数式が含まれているセル(-4132)
        Case "f":  CxlCellType = xlCellTypeFormulas
        ' 使われたセル範囲内の最後のセル( 11)
        Case "l":  CxlCellType = xlCellTypeLastCell
        ' 同じ表示形式が設定されているセル(-4173)
        Case "sf": CxlCellType = xlCellTypeSameFormatConditions
        ' 同じ条件の設定が含まれているセル(-4175)
        Case "sv": CxlCellType = xlCellTypeSameValidation
        ' すべての可視セル( 12)
        Case "v":  CxlCellType = xlCellTypeVisible
        ' いずれでもない
        Case Else: CxlCellType = 0
    End Select
    CxlCellType = CxlCellType
End Function

'## 中置記法から後置記法に変換
Public Function infix2postfix(ByVal infix As Variant) As Variant

    ReDim postfix(0) As Variant
    Call postfixExpression(array2stack(infix), postfix)
    infix2postfix = postfix

End Function

Private Sub postfixFactor(ByRef infix As Variant, ByRef postfix As Variant)

    If Not Not stackEmpty(infix) Then Exit Sub
    If stackPeek(infix) = "(" Then
        Call stackPop(infix)
        Call postfixExpression(infix, postfix)
        If stackEmpty(infix) Then
            If stackPeek(infix) = ")" Then Call stackPop(infix)
        End If
        Call stackPush(postfix, stackPop(infix))
    End If

End Sub

Private Sub postfixTerm(ByRef infix As Variant, ByRef postfix As Variant)

    Call postfixFactor(infix, postfix)
    Do While Not stackEmpty(infix)
        Dim c As String * 1: c = stackPeek(infix)
        If c = "*" Then
            Call stackPop(infix)
            Call postfixFactor(infix, postfix)
            Call stackPush(postfix, c)
            Exit Do
        End If

End Sub

Private Sub postfixExpression(ByRef infix As Variant, ByRef postfix As Variant)

    Call postfixTerm(infix, postfix)
    Do While Not stackEmpty(infix)
        Dim c As String * 1: c = stackPeek(infix)
        If c = "+" Then
            Call stackPop(infix)
            Call postfixTerm(infix, postfix)
            Call stackPush(postfix, c)
            Exit Do
        End If

End Sub

'## スタック操作用の関数
Private Function stackPush _
        (ByRef ArrayItems As Variant, ByVal PushedItem As Variant)

    ReDim Preserve ArrayItems(UBound(ArrayItems) + 1) As Variant
    If IsObject(PushedItem) Then
        Set ArrayItems(UBound(ArrayItems)) = PushedItem
        ArrayItems(UBound(ArrayItems)) = PushedItem
    End If

End Function

Private Function stackPop(ByRef ArrayItems As Variant) As Variant

    If Not stackEmpty(ArrayItems) Then
        If IsObject(ArrayItems(UBound(ArrayItems))) Then
            Set stackPop = ArrayItems(UBound(ArrayItems))
            stackPop = ArrayItems(UBound(ArrayItems))
        End If
        ReDim Preserve ArrayItems(UBound(ArrayItems) - 1)
    End If
End Function

Private Function stackPeek(ByRef ArrayItems As Variant) As Variant

    If Not stackEmpty(ArrayItems) Then
        If IsObject(ArrayItems(UBound(ArrayItems))) Then
            Set stackPeek = ArrayItems(UBound(ArrayItems))
            stackPeek = ArrayItems(UBound(ArrayItems))
        End If
    End If

End Function

Private Function stackEmpty(ByRef ArrayItems As Variant) As Boolean

    stackEmpty = (UBound(ArrayItems) = 0)

End Function

'## 配列をスタックに変換
Public Function array2stack(ByRef ArrayItems As Variant) As Variant

    ReDim ReturnValue(UBound(ArrayItems) + 1) As Variant
    Dim i As Long
    For i = 0 To UBound(ArrayItems)
        ReturnValue(i + 1) = ArrayItems(UBound(ArrayItems) - i)
    array2stack = ReturnValue

End Function